Thursday, June 10, 2010

Drain Bamage

I used to hate roller coasters. I would go on the little bitty dragon coasters at the county fair, and I would scream so hard that they'd stop the ride for me. So I always wonder what happened to change my mind so completely. Nowadays, I absolutely love roller coasters. I did an internship at an amusement park last summer and I got free admission with my work I.D., and boy did I take advantage of that. This summer, I got a season pass to said park because I'm so used to riding coasters regularly. But I'm starting to worry about the effect of the regular coaster riding. I don't do many of the upside-downy coasters, but between those and the particularly rough wooden coasters, I think I may be scrambling my brain. I've had the slightest headache all afternoon, not enough to warrant painkillers, but just enough that I notice and I worry. I'd better be careful not to drink and ride coasters on the same day, or I'll be putting my neural health at serious risk!

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