Monday, June 7, 2010

Mo' money, mo' problems

As of last month, I became a member of the "real world." I don't feel like I'm a full member, I think I'm more like a pledge. I have a good job, but I live with my parents and my car technically belongs to them, so my only expenses are gas and cell phone. On the bright side, having no bills means that I have heaping piles of cash dropped into my bank account. But you see, I like things. We are living in a material world, and I am a material girl. It would be so easy for me to burn through my week's pay on candy and fancy lattes. Last night, I realized that I could buy my boyfriend the flat screen TV he's been ogling for months with only one week's pay. So my life has become a constant struggle: allow myself to things, or save my money to buy things later. I wrote a little poem to express my feelings:

To buy or not to buy, that is the question,
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The time and waiting of saving a fortune,
Or to pay cash for a sea of goodies,
And by possessing go broke.
To save, to spend no more
'Tis a situation devoutly to be wish'd.

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